Interview with Dr. French H. Moore, Jr.
Conducted on
November 17, 2009, in Abingdon, Virginia.
Interview conducted by Richard Smith.
Also in attendance: Tuesday Pope, Damascus Town Clerk; Elena Smith,
Damascus resident.
After-interview compilation and recording by Tammy Lowe.
Dr. French Moore, Jr.,
along with Dr. David Brillhart and many others, was instrumental
in the creation of the Virginia Creeper Trail. In this interview
I ask Dr. Moore to recall some of his experiences, including the
battles fought, to move this abandoned railroad bed to the popular
rail trail it is today.
Richard Smith (RS): I’d like you to start
with the time before the Virginia Creeper Trail existed. Take
us back to when we were living here in Abingdon and the "Peavine" or
Norfolk & Western
Railroad or the ....
French Moore (FM): VC
(RS): Yeah, the Virginia Creeper came through here. Just
what are your memories of those days.
(FM): Well of course that goes back to my scouting
days. Back
when Gip Vance and Doug Patterson and our senior scouts masters were
past being just regular scouts, we were what they called senior scouts
and uh… and Gip Vance was working. But anyway, we had
a scout troop of senior scouts and we had all been scouts with Troop
222 then with the Methodist Church and they organized a senior troop. It
was a new thing, I think it was probably 16 to 18, something like that,
year-olds. And so we all got involved in that and Gil Pass had
a gun shop and he also worked at the Post Office and we built a rifle
range right in town (of Abingdon). Off of Oak Hill, right in
the hillside so we had a back stop and we did a lot of shooting and
then we did a lot of camping too. And so we would,… Gip
was working, but we would catch the train on Friday morning, may 6
or 8 or 10 of us and we’d catch the train down here and we all
carried pistols.
What they had was combination cars,
passenger and freight with the Postal, Post Office with the mail going
over that way. They put all the mail on, the guys would sort
the mail as it went and then drop it off at all the little towns going
over. And, so the conductor would greet us and we’d have
to lay our pistols on the back seat. And all the passengers that
know what was going on would think it was a pretty strange bunch of
guys. You know, we were just young teenagers, all of us armed. All
kinds of pistols. My next door neighbor had been in the Second
World War and he brought home a 238 9mm German and he had loaned me
that and Charlie Hertz father, was not living, but he had his dad's
old 38 caliber revolver, which his mother wouldn't let him
have, so he would just take it anyway.
So anyhow, we would ride the train and we would ride
in that combination car that had the big doors. Most of the time
it didn’t
have any guardrails or nothing. Holding on and leaning out, you
know…. watching. And I guess early days the train
was steam…. So we and getting cinders in our eyes
of course. But
you’d be hanging out the door and all of the sudden we would
come over one of those big trestles....
(FM) 200 feet straight down… (laughter)
and the train was just about as wide as the crossties, so you know,
you were really hanging out there, or we’d go by one of the big
rock bluffs, and a rock would go swoosh…. Right by you. (laughter)… not
that fast, the train never went that fast.
(FM) So we’d ride up to White Top and get our guns back and
then we’d hike up to Rogers. And I don’t know. You’ll
know some of these names: Charlie Hurt and Gerry Henninger, Dave
Ringley and all that bunch.
(RS) Yeah…
(FM) .... just
some decent guys. So anyhow we’d hike up to
the flat part of Rogers where you really start to go up the steep ....
(RS) Up from what's called Massie Gap....
(FM) And they used to keep sheep up there
in the summer. And the sheepherders had a little
cabin that they’d go up there and stay in the summer. We
were usually doing this in the fall or the spring, when they hadn’t
gotten there. So a lot of times we’d sleep in that and
not put tents up.
And I never will forget one time that Gerry Henninger got ahead of
us. All of the sudden we heard all this shooting going on…
(FM) And he was coming out of the house
when we got there. We said Henninger, “What in the world
are you doing?” ….. He was shooting field
mice…. (laughter) ....
With an 8 caliber pistol… (laughter)
(FM) So I remember one night we all
got in our sleeping bags and we’d taken a jar top and melted
the wax and stuck a candle down in it and that was the light so we
thought about and we said, last guy in put the candle out. Well
we weren’t paying any attention so Henninger decides to shoot
the candle….
Beginning of the trail in Abingdon:
1981 photo. |
(FM) So he shot it and wax went everywhere
(laughter). The
light went out of course and we couldn’t hear for about an hour
(laughter) . And then we’d get up, and in the mornings
and we’d all side on the side of that mountain. We’d
all find us a flat rock down not too far away and we’d shoot
the flat rocks and the bullets would go “ping…ping” (laughter)
and the bullets would go across the foliage (laughter) ....
(FM) I remember one night….
We were sleeping in tents this night… We got there late,
we got all of our stuff out and cooked dinner and just left it lying
out. Next
morning there was that much snow ( hand gesture) and we couldn’t
find our skillets and we were raking the snow trying to find our knife
and fork (laughter) all covered up with snow. But anyway, that
was the earliest remembrance I have of riding the train and I was probably
about 15 or 16. Subtract that from 78, so what do you come up
(RS) Yeah, 62 or 63....
(FM) 60-something years ago.
(RS) Yeah, and you were with
a good crew there. A
good variety.
(FM) Yeah. One night Charlie, Charlie came
late and I think he rode with Dave Greenly and they came up the back
(RS) Right.
(FM) And he got up there and he says, “Oh
my gosh I dropped that pistol”, he says “We gotta go find
it. My mother would kill me if she finds out I had that pistol
out.” So three or four of them went back down the trail
with flashlights. Well they found his pistol , of course it was
in the mud and water. So he got up there and he says what am
I going to do with this. And I think it was Dave Ringley says,
well I’ve got some butter, just put some butter on it so it won’t
rust. It was salty butter…(laughter)
(FM) And the next morning the gun was
practically discolored from rust. (laughter). So
Charlie was going to have a real time getting all the rust off the
gun and getting it back home and drying it and getting it back in an
old safe or wherever she kept it. But uh,
I don’t know what else we did…..
(RS) Did you ever just walk the trail from
Abingdon, did you ever just walk out through the knobs when you were
a kid?
(FM) No, I didn’t. Now I remember that the Norfolk
and Western Officials used to come down when the trout fishing was
(RS) Right.
(FM) And they would bring a cart
and they’d
take a railroad car, or sometimes they would take one of those little
putt-putt engines things, you know, one of those little small ones.... and
go out there to the streams to fish. I
can remember that. But when I fished we drove to Damascus and
went up to Straight Branch. I
can remember in those days fishing started at 6 or 7 o’clock….
(RS) Start of the season....
(FM) And they would be shoulder to shoulder all
the way up through there for fishing. And I’d fish so hard,
and I’m fishing right next to two guys and we’re both using
the same bait and they were catching fish and I wasn’t catching
(FM) My dad use to take us on that and was even
younger then.
(RS) Yeah.
(FM) Uh. We probably walked some on the tracks. I
used to deer hunt up there too. And we’d walk some on the
tracks to get to the deer stand. But uh, I did not, uh, I don’t
remember going to….. Going on the train before the scouting
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