French Moore, Jr. and Dr. Dave Brillhart were both members of the
Washington County Planning Commission back in the late '70s when it
was discussed that Norfolk and Western (N&W) intended to close
the railroad. Dr. Brillhart mentioned that he had read of a railroad
being converted to a hiking trail out in Wisconsin. That provided
the spark.
off, however, the county here and Ashe County in NC tried to save
it as an operational railroad. That petered out when Ashe County found
that NC law wouldn't allow them to do that. The County (I was County
Administrator then) went on and made an offer to N&W anyway, but
N&W didn't want to see it being operated. N&W wanted it closed.

In 1984 bridge number 6 was "mysteriously"
So, eventually Drs. Moore & Brillhart started an effort to convert
the rights of way into a hiking trail and vigorously sought out grants,
etc. to do that. The County wouldn't have any part of it because of
the influential owners along the Trail who wanted "their"
property back and filed a lawsuit to do just that. Nothing ever really
became of that suit. Attorney Jim Elliot was very helpful in seeing
to that part and in doing a title search for this effort.
Abingdon and Damascus bought the Trail jointly with monetary help
from the Virginia Division of Conservation & Recreation (VADCR)
grant money. Damascus bought the section between their sewer treatment
plant and the Town themselves with grant help, because their sewer
lines were in the railroad right of way.

of the construction was done by
the Job Corps.
Dr. Moore had to keep N&W's salvage contractor, Chicago Salvage
Company, from removing the trestles, so he put together an investment
group and paid Chicago Salvage a nominal amount for the value of the
trestles - about $5,000, if I recall correctly. Fortunately, the owner
of Chicago Salvage knew Jim Elliott some way and he became convinced
that the trail was a worthwhile effort and supported the early efforts
to keep the trail usable and intact so he left the trestles alone
until they could get their acts together.
two Towns had the entire right of way appraised and purchased it from
N&W, with N&W forgiving part of the cost, grant money from
VADCR and the Virginia Commission for Outdoor Recreation (VCOR), and
very little on the part of the two Towns in 1982.
Then we went to work to put the trail into use by decking the trestles,
grading and shaping the Rights of Way, etc. We had grant money from
the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to do that plus the use of the
Town of Abingdon's personnel and equipment.
Jacobs Creek Job Corps and the Flatwoods Job Corps (from near Norton)
supplied the labor to do the trestles, after some persuasion by Rick
Boucher, who helped in a variety of ways to create the trail. We purchased
and supplied the materials for the decking and handrails, and two
other guys, John McCormick and John Garrett, actually delivered the
materials to them using the Town's vehicles. That work was completed
in 1984 or so and the complete trail was opened after that. Some sections
were opened sooner as they were completed.
last real hangup was a trestle that had burned just south of Watauga
Road. Dr. Moore found a trestle in Yadkinville, NC, that an owner
wanted to be rid of. We used more grant money from the VDCR to remove
that trestle and ship the necessary repair pieces here and repair
and complete that trestle. That was the last piece to complete the
Rick Boucher (right) visits the trail
near Damascus in 1983.
remember going over with the Town Council all the costs associated
with trestles, rights of way, grading and making it all usable and
it came to some then-phenomenal numbers. The Council had been through
several battles, had faced opposition from landowners including personal
friends, but were guided by one principle: What would be best for
the residents of our area, and what would be best for their children?
They believed in the trail, but there were some doubts. After I had
done my summary Council members all looked at each other and someone
said: "Will anyone actually USE this trail after we do all this?"
We had no idea that the VCT would become as popular as it is now.
Al Bradley,
written in February 2005
the related photo essay, "Opposition to the Virginia Creeper